
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Free Response #9: The Heel Life

This is just another small clip of what the athletic trainers do in their daily life at the University of North Carolina. It shows them working on people, refilling water, showing their tapping skills, and etc.  In the youtube video the head athletic trainer is also going through his entire staff and what they do. It's important to know the roles of the athletic training field and what they contribute to the athletes of multiple sports. It also goes through the equipment that we haven't touched on like knee braces. This video is very informational and interesting. Enjoy the video and if you have questions then comment below!

"The Heel Life" - Athletic Trainers. UNCFBVIDEO, 2013. Film. 25 Mar 2014. <>.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Week #9 Prompt: Recognizing Significance

For this week I searched for a news article that shows an example of an Athletic Trainer in their field. This article was about how a local high school athletic trainer rushed over to school's quarterbacks and quickly took him off the field because she saw something off about how he was acting. Once the ambulance came her predictions were right because they found out that the quarterback was suffering from a paralyzing or fatal neck injury. Without the athletic trainer doing her job of observation the young kid could have easily died in the next play if tackled in the right place at the right time. Being aware of the surrounding around you makes an athletic trainer. Knowing everything around you is why a lot of people don't do this field because it's a hard skill to learn. Just like my past blogs about the athletic trainers needing to know all the tapings and wrappings, they need to know basically everything about their field and know when to act as well.

Green, Andrew. "A Worthy Task To Tackle." Orlando Sentinel [Orlando] 1985, n. pag. Print. <>.

Free Response #8: Training Month Rap

The youtube video below is a little ridiculous but it does have a good message. It tells you what the athletic trainers do everyday. It also shows the observing skills of the athletic trainers and what they can do to prevent or heal an injury. Athletic Trainers have to know how to adapt for any situation so this ridiculous song also raps about that which is actually a little funny. These messages in this video will give you a inside look at the Athletic Training field so enjoy the video and relax!

WIU National Athletic Training Month Rap. WIUATEP, 2011. Web. 24 Mar 2014. <>.

Week #8 Prompt: Practicing Your Knowledge

In my KIN 126 class I get the pleasure of working on people to enhance my taping and wrapping skills.   Due to this class i'll be able to tape and wrap the entire human body with swift accuracy and performance. For learning this skill that is mostly in the athletic training background, we get to see what athletic trainers actually do. It also shows how quick their hands have to be and also the human anatomy that needs to be learned by the athletic trainers as well. Down below are some pictures of different tapings that athletic trainers need to master if they want to become an Athletic Trainers.

These three tapings are the most important that all Athletic Trainers must know and do quickly. For being in the KIN 126, we've learned all these taping skills as well. For learning the ankle, knee, and wrist tapings we have become even closer to the athletic training field. The reason why these tapings are so crucial is because they take up the most time, skill, and focus. 

Beam, Joel. Orthopedic Taping, Wrapping, Bracing, & Padding. 2nd ed. F.A. Davis Company, 2011. 512. Print.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Free Response #7: Ankle-Sprain Wrapping

This is an ankle-sprain wrap. Wrapping is different than taping someone. Wrapping allows air circulation into the certain body part that is being wrapped and also keeps you warm from its cotton material. Being wrapped is better used after a sport or in the period when injured but in the recuperation phase. Taping is more involved when you are active in that same moment. For example before games athletes are taped, but after the game if injured they will wrap the athlete in elastic cloth wraps for more comfort. Wrapping will also come loose if too much activity is being involved. This wrapping of the ankle is how you heal the ankle sprain by putting pressure/force on the injured ankle so it will be more comfortable to move around on. Taping of the ankle does the same thing, but just like before wrapping is during the recuperation phase not the active phase.

Beam, Joel. Orthopedic Taping, Wrapping, Bracing, & Padding. 2nd ed. F.A. Davis Company, 2011. 512. Print.

Week #7 Prompt: Contemplating Controversy

In the major of Athletic Training there are multiple controversies. These controversies all deal with different issues, but today I would like to talk about the controversy of frustration and stress while students are completing the professional athletic training education program (ATEP).

The first side of the controversy is the side of the students going through the program. Due to the work-balance problems and low compensation, it causes them to have frequent stress in their daily lives. Also the ATEP program is a very difficult program it causes anxiety and feeling of being pressured to the point of overwhelming. Sometimes classes put too much on the person to handle especially if it has to be learned in a short period of time. The other side of the controversy is that the factors that causes stress and frustration while completing an undergraduate degree is still not fully understood. There could be other things in the persons life that could start their frustration, within in time it could effect the students involvement with the things they are joined in. Due to that realization the athletic training faculty and staff are trying to understand the students frustrations and to provide a supportive learning environment.

Bowman, Thomas G. "Frustrations Among Graduates of Athletic Training Education Programs." Journal of Athletic Training. 48.1 (2013): 79-86. Print. <>.

Free Response #6: Anchors of the Ankle

When it comes to the word "anchors" in the taping and wrapping area of Athletic Training, it is an important taping that keeps all the other taping intact. For every taping the anchors are set in different positions depending on what the body part is being taped.  Down below are two pictures of the anchors that are placed when taping the ankle. The two anchors are call the posterior and anterior.

(To the left it's anterior and to the right it's the posterior)

The anterior anchor secures the inner side of the ankle while the posterior anchor secures the outward side of the ankle. They are used so the tape doesn't fall off the ankle while the athlete is doing daily activities in his or her life.

Beam, Joel. Orthopedic Taping, Wrapping, Bracing, & Padding. 2nd ed. F.A. Davis Company, 2011. 512. Print.