
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week # 5 Prompt: Defining Ethics

Ethics is a touchy subject. It's a word that means to have moral principles that govern a persons/groups behavior. In my major of Athletic Training, we follow the NATA's (National Athletic Trainer Association) code of ethics. One of the statements is "Members shall be committed to providing competent care," and that is a belief I have always cared for as a person. From being a little kid, I have always wanted to help people out and to give my all to this profession. The only way I can reach this level in this profession is if I prepare myself for it here in Michigan State University.

The three things that got me preparing for my profession in the athletic training field is joining a frat, playing rugby, and meeting good study groups.

1) Frat - From joining a frat it  made me learn to give respect to one another but also when to accept a stronger bond. Being in a frat is like a brotherhood, you learn to adapt and observe. I feel like this is a skill to have and control when you start working in the medical field. You have to be willing but you also have to be smart. Nothing but connections can help you in this competitive world.

2)Rugby - Rugby told me not to take no crap from anyone. This is one skill that is important in my field. I can't be pushed around by coaches because if I do then a player could get hurt. I have to be demanding when I need to be but also I need to do the right things and also watch over people. Rugby showed me to be tough but also become a leader. This sport made me make the first move on my career and I can't wait!

3) Study Groups- Finding good study groups make me stay focused and to get my work done. It keeps me in a straight line. Without doing this I wouldn't be myself anymore. This skill will make me manage my time better and to respect the little things because fun doesn't happen all the time. Stay focus and paying attention is the secret to everything.

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